Thursday, June 25, 2009


I'm getting absolutely nowhere. I have been looking for different companies and still tryng to edit my book but every company that I look into always has this one little problem. I have seen three different publishing companies that basically try not to let you know exactly what you're doing but I looked into it and basically if i went with them i'd be selling my copyright which is exactly what i don't want to do. Then I was looking at my book and all the stuff i edited yesterday is gone because I think I forgot to save it! So now I am trying to finish what i did yesterday plus more and it is a little easier but still very time-consuming. Time isn't very easy to come by with me. I share the computer with three other people and usually by the time my granny gets home... i'm off and my sister likes to get on before she gets home which means about three hours for me. Thats really not very long if you think about it. Wow. I love how no one else in my family has faith in me that i will get my book published but i guess thats life right? Well i guess i'll get off here and get back to work.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Whoo Hoo!!!!

One of the best parts of writing a book is the editing... i mean all the grammer problems and cutting out stuff that doesn't belong really is pure FUN!!!! Okay who am i kidding??? I HATE EDITING!!!! I've been stuck on grammer sites all morning because my "personel editor" (translation: friend who's really smart and i ask her all my questions) decides she wants to be unavailable all freaking day. I realized something, I work harder if i have my music playing... i figured this out yesterday and I have actually got more done than I usually get done in a week so YAY MUSIC!!!! Well i need to get to work so i will annoy you later lol.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Okay today has been very... exciting. I was editing my book and looking for publishing companies when a self-publishing company called me... its called iUniverse and I'm strongly considering self-publishing. It seems pretty explanatory to me but I'm still not 100% decided though. I'm trying to figure out if i should get a literary agent or go straight to a publishing company... or maybe self-publishing. Trying to find plausible information on any of those subjects is like trying to pull your own teeth out. Don't you just hate it when you're talking to someone on the phone and you feel so unprofessional because you don't know what in the heck they are talking about and its like you just want to scream? Yeah i had one of those moments today. I felt so stupid and unprepared but actually i was very prepared. I think it was the concept of surprise that scared me. Oh and shout out to all you professionals... If you have any advice about publishing or anything it would be oh so wonderful if you would help me out!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


My book Betrayed is about a girl named Alex, she's fourteen years old. When she took a trip with her family to Happy Valley Alaska she didn't know that she wouldn't be going home with them. Instead her dad made her move in with her uncle all because she got turned into a vampire. Being a vampire is in her blood... but the question is... Which blood? her mom is a loving push over who loves Alex but listens to anything her husband says. her dad is a humorless jerk who doesn't give a care about Alex... he just acts like he does but in all reality he wishes she was never born. Living with her uncle is probably the easiest thing in the world... he's a pilot so he's never home. All she has to do is clean and go to school. When Alex goes to school she soon realizes theres another vampire in this freakishly small town. Not only is he a vampire... He's one of the vampires who was with her when she changed... and lets just say... she didn't really have a good record with him. He has this kind of amusement with her and won't leave her alone. When she starts to get feelings for him she starts to realize things that always happen around him and its just making her more and more curious. Soon she figures out that she has a gift... not just any gift... its the one gift that every vampire in the world wants and some will kill to have.