Thursday, June 18, 2009


Okay today has been very... exciting. I was editing my book and looking for publishing companies when a self-publishing company called me... its called iUniverse and I'm strongly considering self-publishing. It seems pretty explanatory to me but I'm still not 100% decided though. I'm trying to figure out if i should get a literary agent or go straight to a publishing company... or maybe self-publishing. Trying to find plausible information on any of those subjects is like trying to pull your own teeth out. Don't you just hate it when you're talking to someone on the phone and you feel so unprofessional because you don't know what in the heck they are talking about and its like you just want to scream? Yeah i had one of those moments today. I felt so stupid and unprepared but actually i was very prepared. I think it was the concept of surprise that scared me. Oh and shout out to all you professionals... If you have any advice about publishing or anything it would be oh so wonderful if you would help me out!


Chuck Dilmore said...

Hi, Rachel Michelle!

So happy to find you blog!
You are one impressive Writer...
to know what you want at such an early age -
good for you!

I'm also publishing my first book!

I hope you find at least 1 of these helpful:

1) The blog is a beautiful way to grow your audience. If you can post tiny excerpts, you will pull in the Readers! My blog experience has been more than I ever dreamed!

2) Keep writing! And read as much as you can - that will help you improve your grammar and your writing style - even more!

3) I studied iUniverse for a long time. But I've decided to go here:

For someone your age to have such goals is amazing! Even if your goals change as you get closer to them, that's fine! The magic is in setting them! Good job!

Take good care, and I can't wait to learn more about your book! peace~ Chuck

Rachel Michelle said...

Thank you for the awsome advice... it really helped and I hope you have the best of luck with your book.
Rachel Michelle :)